Honda Sets All-Time Fiscal Year Records for Automobile Production

Honda announced a summary of automobile production, Japan domestic sales, and export results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 as well as for the month of March 2019.

Worldwide Production

FY 2019 (’18 April – ’19 March)
Unitsvs FY18
Outside of Japan4,425,784-0.7%
Worldwide Total5,337,621 *1+1.0%

*1 Record high for all-time fiscal year

Production Outside of Japan

FY 2019 (’18 April – ’19 March)
Unitsvs FY18
North America1,801,530-3.4%
Asia2,292,492 *1+2.0%
(China)1,497,043 *1+1.9%
Overseas Total4,425,784-0.7%

*1 Record high for all-time fiscal year
*2 Record high for month of March

Fiscal Year 2019 (fiscal year ended March 31, 2019)

Production in Japan experienced a year-on-year increase for the third consecutive year (since Fiscal Year 2017). Production in regions outside of Japan experienced a year-on-year increase for the first time in seven years (since Fiscal Year 2012), setting an all-time record for fiscal year production in Asia and China. Worldwide production experienced a year-on-year increase for the seventh consecutive year (since Fiscal Year 2013), setting an all-time record for fiscal year production.

From Honda

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